Keep 'Em Coming Back

Keep 'Em Coming Back!

All three Toast Talk sessions live and livestreamed Wednesday, August 14, beginning at 1:30 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)/Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) -7

Meet Sravanthi Vallampati in person, along with the two other Toast Talk speakers, Wednesday, August 14, 3:30 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)/Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) -7

Top 3 Takeaways

  • Understand the value that members are looking for.
  • Learn how to leverage the four major “influencers” to create positive engagement and long-term retention.
  • Set an expectation to continuously define, refine, and evolve.

Session Description

In this age of influencers, there are four that greatly affect the value and success of each Toastmaster, according to Sravanthi Vallampati, DTM. Join her to explore what they are and how you can leverage them to elevate the Toastmasters experience for all who seek it. From inquisitiveness to inspiration through information, the full breadth and depth of the journey awaits your members through her value analysis and engagement approach.


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Sravanthi Vallampati, DTM
Toastmasters mentor, coach, leader

Sravanthi Vallampati joined Toastmasters in 2013 to learn to speak purposefully and succinctly but stayed for two reasons: the enormous value it continues to add to her life in so many ways beyond public speaking and the incredible gift of family of friends that it gives her.

Residing in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S., she is a member of two corporate and four community clubs and enjoys coaching young Toastmasters through regular meetings and Youth Leadership Programs. She is an active mentor to many Toastmasters beyond her District stretching her support between helping with Ice Breaker speeches and enabling DTM achievements.

Before serving as District Director/Past District Director of District 10 in 2020/2021, she served all roles at the club level, and as Area Director, Division Director, and Program Quality Director. A club sponsor, mentor, coach, and Pathways guide, she is on her way to getting her fifth DTM, her fourth in Pathways; she has also completed 11 paths.

Vallampati sees herself as a lifelong member of Toastmasters International; she says that wherever she goes, she goes as a Toastmaster.

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