International Officer and Director Candidates

The International Leadership Committee has completed its nomination process. This page has been updated to reflect their report.


International Officer Candidates

The 2023-2024 International Leadership Committee has nominated the following International Officer candidates for the 2024-2025 term:

Aletta Rochat, DTM

Aletta Rochat, DTM

Candidate for International President-Elect

Why do you want to serve?

Toastmasters members positively impact families, communities and careers across the globe. My wish is that we continue to find ways to innovate and stay relevant to a new generation of members and potential members, setting ourselves up for success as we enter our second century.

Learn more about Aletta


Stefano McGhee, DTM

Stefano McGhee, DTM

Candidate for First Vice President

Why do you want to serve?

I believe that leveraging our members to become a bigger part of leading our organization is key to our survival. The next generation of leaders in the world needs to come from Toastmasters. Our core values and leadership development programs are what the world needs from their leaders to be better.

Learn more about Stefano


Harold Osmundson, DTM

Harold Osmundson, DTM

Candidate for Second Vice President

Why do you want to serve?

I care deeply for our members, leaders, staff, and organization. I believe strongly in our members, leaders, staff, and mission. I want to serve the greatest good and support our club, District, and International leaders. This role is exactly where I want to be during this pivotal moment for us.

Learn more about Harold


Gauri Seshadri, DTM

Gauri Seshadri, DTM

Candidate for Second Vice President

Why do you want to serve?

Delivering exceptional value to our members and providing them with progressive and meaningful experiences will help Toastmasters leapfrog into the next 100 years. As an International Officer with a global perspective, I am committed to helping shape our strategic direction for a sustainable future.

Learn more about Gauri



International Director Candidates

The 2023-2024 International Leadership Committee has nominated the following International Director candidates for the 2024-2026 term:


Mark Lucas, DTM

Mark Lucas, DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 2

Why do you want to serve?

Toastmasters is challenged by decreasing membership and eroded trust. With transparent communications, attention to details, and teamwork as my working principles, we can move forward with confidence to find solutions that will benefit our members and attain a thriving International Mission.

Learn more about Mark


Srinivas Saineni, DTM

Srinivas Saineni, DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 4

Why do you want to serve?

I'm deeply inspired by our potential for impactful change. I'll contribute by asking challenging questions and presenting innovative solutions to unlock our organization's true potential. Together in this global movement, we'll transcend boundaries and drive progress.

Learn more about Srinivas


Jenilee Taylor, DTM

Jenilee Taylor, DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 6

Why do you want to serve?

My motivation stems from our organization's ability to drive skill enhancement and self-improvement. I want to participate in shaping the strategic direction of Toastmasters to ensure the mission is fulfilled, as we continue to provide individuals with the tools they need for their specific goals.

Learn more about Jenilee


Cyndi Wilson, DTM

Cyndi Wilson, DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 6

Why do you want to serve?

Toastmasters changed me by moving me from the wallpaper and giving me my voice. My authentic self emerged and found my path; I want to help others to do the same, one person at a time. I want to be part of Toastmasters' mission to develop and implement services for both our new and seasoned members.

Learn more about Cyndi


Dwight Yamada, DTM

Dwight Yamada, DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 6

Why do you want to serve?

I see the profound influence our program has on people and society. I want to be involved in preserving our purpose by creatively expanding our worldwide network to offer our program to greater numbers of people and to be in the forefront of experiential learning.

Learn more about Dwight


Khalid Abdulla, DTM

Khalid Abdulla, DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 8

Why do you want to serve?

I want to serve and share my expertise, skills and experience for the betterment of our organization. I believe our collective strength lies in the diversity of our members who aspire to become better speakers and leaders. I am committed creating a positive impact by promoting Toastmasters globally.

Learn more about Khalid


Brillian S.K., DTM

Brillian S.K., DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 8

Why do you want to serve?

I believe we can build an inclusive organisation keeping member needs at the core of all decisions. I aim to offer innovative solutions to rebuild member confidence amid changing needs. My diverse experience as a teacher, technologist, and people strategist brings complementary skills to the Board.

Learn more about Brillian


Sujit Sukumaran, DTM

Sujit Sukumaran, DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 8

Why do you want to serve?

As a Toastmaster for 17 years & a Gavelier, my life has truly changed. At the cusp of our centennial, we need to transform for relevance in a digital world. I wish to serve on the Board to foster greater member inclusion & representation, engagement and organizational growth opportunities.

Learn more about Sujit


Francesco Fedele, DTM

Francesco Fedele, DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 10

Why do you want to serve?

I aim to bring to the board my expertise in creating and managing innovation research projects, involving global organizations, different cultures and limited budgets because I believe Toastmasters should accelerate its evolution and embrace new technologies to enhance member support and engagement.

Learn more about Francesco


Patricia O’Reilly, DTM

Patricia O'Reilly, DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 10

Why do you want to serve?

Toastmasters transformed my life by developing my communication and leadership skills. I want to help rebuild Toastmasters to where it was pre-pandemic and to expand our global reach so that more individuals worldwide experience and benefit from the transformative effect of the Toastmasters brand.

Learn more about Patricia


Christine Lennon, DTM

Christine Lennon, DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 12

Why do you want to serve?

Giving back to others we also gain. The Toastmasters experience enables people to realize and grow their potential. Being part of a Board that develops strategies to turn our challenges into opportunities growing and supporting current and new members allows me to give back to Toastmasters.

Learn more about Christine


Monique Tonna, DTM

Monique Tonna, DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 12

Why do you want to serve?

There has been significant change over the last century, and now more than ever, communication and giving effective feedback are the most important soft skills a person can have. I want to be involved in the strategic focus of how Toastmasters can positively impact more people around the world.

Learn more about Monique


Viola Lee, DTM

Viola Lee, DTM

Candidate for International Director from Region 14

Why do you want to serve?

Everyone has leadership within. I see countless people exploring potentials in club even reshaped lives with wonderful highlights! From guest to Distinguished District gainer, I learned more than giving back. I want to bring high dedication and expertise to help Toastmasters robust, dynamic and to benefit more people.

Learn more about Viola


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Candidacy Information

Serving on the Toastmasters Board of Directors offers a tremendous opportunity to improve leadership skills.

International Officer and Director Candidate Handbook

Review this handbook to prepare for your candidacy.

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