Our Commitment to Members

Our Commitment to Members

World Headquarters' (WHQ) purpose is to provide assistance and support to Toastmasters clubs, areas and districts. Most importantly, WHQ serves members by developing high-quality products and programs that truly meet their needs, and by providing timely service and accurate information.


Membership Resources

Contact Us

Need to reach us? Phone, fax or email us and we’ll be happy to help you.

Map of Service to Members

Refer to the infographic to learn how the various roles within Toastmasters serve our members.

How to Join

Just follow these three easy steps to take advantage of all the benefits of Toastmasters membership.

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Tips for Success

Enjoy helpful resources that will aid you in improving your communication and help you build leadership skills.

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Hybrid Meeting Tips

Learn how to run a successful hybrid meeting.

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Find a Toastmasters Club

Did you know that visiting a club meeting is free? Be a guest at one or more clubs and find the one that's the right fit for you.

Check it out

Connect With Us

Follow us on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube for exciting updates, inspiration, and more.
