Public Relations FAQ
What is Public Relations (PR)?Back to TopPublic Relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.
How do I conduct good PR for my corporate club?Back to Top
It’s common for companies to have internal publications and communications available to their employees. Corporate newsletters and magazines are examples of internal publications. Many companies use an intranet, which is an internal online network for employees. Company publications are cost effective and your best membership building tool to reach potential members.
To have your club featured in an organization’s publication:-
Contact the Human Resources department and ask if it would be appropriate to include a mention of Toastmasters in the organization’s publication(s) and intranet. Be sure to clarify how to submit information to the publication.
Invite the management and executive teams to a club meeting or open house.
Write an article about a member who had an excellent experience with a corporate Toastmasters club. Or, seek out and interview a leader in the organization who is a Toastmaster or promotes the Toastmasters program. Take pictures to include with the article. Be sure to include all club members’ names in the story. Employees will love the publicity and managers will be able to see who is participating.
What resources does World Headquarters PR Department offer?Back to TopThe PR team at World Headquarters department is dedicated to providing the organization with media, public and press relations that clearly communicate the Toastmasters International mission, vision and values. This team manages the online Media Center, online Public Relations tools, develops news releases and initiates and responds to media calls, coordinates media opportunities and interviews with Toastmasters members and leaders. It is also a resource for members who need assistance with their club and district public relations efforts.
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What are the goals of PR in Toastmasters?Back to Top
To generate positive awareness of the Toastmasters brand in order to attract and retain members.
I am the new Vice President of Public Relations (VPPR) in my club, what are my responsibilities?Back to TopAs VPPR, you are responsible for coordinating an active public relations and publicity program in your club. Read more.
What are the differences between PR, marketing and advertising?Back to TopPR is based on building relationships and generating goodwill, which leads to credibility. If a newspaper article mentions Toastmasters training as a great way to enhance one’s career, that article carries more credibility than if Toastmasters International placed an advertisement on that same page. Advertising and marketing focus on buying and selling, with the intent to create a demand for a product or service. This is often expensive.
I am the new Public Relations Manager (PRM) in my district, what are my responsibilities?Back to TopAs PRM, you are responsible for coordinating an active public relations and publicity program in your district. Read more.
What club and/or district events are newsworthy?Back to Top
The following club, area and district activities merit media coverage:
Club Level:
Club members who used speaking or leadership skills acquired in Toastmasters to better their lives
Projects of interest for local residents or the business community
Officer elections or installations
Speech contests (A member advancing after winning at the club level)
Special presentations for the public, such as Speechcraft, Success/Leadership or Youth Leadership
Important visitors or guest speakers
Communication Achievement Award presentation
Club and member awards, such as Toastmaster of the Year
Distinguished Club recognition
Club anniversary
Club demonstration meetings
Club charter meetings
Area Level:
Area speech contest
Area-wide events open to the public (e.g., special workshops)
List of clubs in local area, mentioning any specialties
District Level:
District conferences
Communication and Leadership Award recipient
Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year honorees
Outstanding Area Governor of the Year honorees
Speech contests
Division speech contest winners
District speech contest winners
Distinguished District recognition (if applicable)
Other international recognition (if applicable and allowed)
Director visits
New clubs chartered
Speakers bureau available for presentations at local groups
What is a boilerplate? What is Toastmasters International's boilerplate?Back to Top
A boilerplate is a short description of an organization for editorial use. It is usually found at the end of a news release. Toastmasters International updates its boilerplate every year. Here’s the current official boilerplate:
About Toastmasters InternationalToastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that builds confidence and teaches public speaking skills through a worldwide network of clubs that meet online and in person. In a supportive community or corporate environment, members prepare and deliver speeches, respond to impromptu questions, and give and receive constructive feedback. It is through this regular practice that members are empowered to meet personal and professional communication goals. Founded in 1924, the organization is headquartered in Englewood, Colorado with over 270,000 members in more than 14,000 clubs in 150 countries.
Where can I find a news release template?Back to TopPlease visit the Sample News Releases page for templates and more.
How do I contact the media?Back to Top
Always do your homework about the news outlet and/or journalist you are about to contact to know what he or she regularly writes about MondoTimes is a free online media directory that offers information on your local news outlets.
You will most likely always contact, or pitch, a journalist via email. A successful pitch depends on making your email’s subject line captivating, keeping your email content brief and presenting an interesting story – one that is relevant to the publication’s readers. When you email the release to the journalist, be sure to paste the text of the news release into the body of your email, below the pitch and your signature. Do not attach the release to your email. Attachments to journalists often get caught by spam filters. For more information on planning and contacting the news media, review the Let the World Know manual (item 1140).