Liability Insurance

Toastmasters International provides up to 2 million in general liability insurance for all qualified Toastmasters club and district events and meeting sites around the world. It is important that your club follows Toastmasters International’s Governing Documents regarding the activities taking place. If World Headquarters determines that the event is not within Toastmasters International guidelines, the insurance request will be denied and the club or district will be notified.

If your club or district needs insurance coverage, email our finance department and provide the following information: 

  • Name of the meeting facility or event
  • Address of the facility

For the contact person at the facility, please provide:

  • Email address or fax number

Once the information is received by our finance department, allow 1 to 3 business days for the contact person at the facility to receive the certificate via email or fax.

Important: Additional Insured Name

Before submitting your request for the certificate of liability insurance, please contact the facility and ask if they need to be added as a certificate holder or as an additional insured. 


If your venue does not require a customized certificate of liability insurance please download the general certificate of insurance below and provide it to your venue as proof of coverage.


USA/Canada Certificate of Insurance Non-USA Certificate of Insurance

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