1313A ppt Creating a Quality Club Slideshow This training teaches club officers about the importance of the member experience, the Toastmasters brand, Moments of Truth and the Distinguished Club Program.
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1111 DCP Distinguished Club Program

A manual which explains the Distinguished Club Program, provides guidelines for club success, and the "how-to" in becoming a Distinguished Club.

This version updated 6/2024

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Dist Accounting User Guide District Accounting System User Guide User manual for the accounting system. Download manual
District Recognition Program District Recognition Program

In this manual, District leaders learn about the District Recognition program and its renewed focus on club quality and member satisfaction.

This version updated 12/2022.

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Enhancing Evaluations 1332A Enhancing Evaluations This training teaches club officers the importance of quality feedback and using evaluation criteria based on objectives from manuals, as well as providing steps to effective coaching in an evaluation.
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