District Market Analysis Plan Develop your District’s marketing plan, goals, and strategies by following this guided step-by-step analysis.
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districtmeetingmin District Meeting Minutes

Use this template to take notes for your district.

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District Training Planning Template District Training Planning Template

Use the District Training Planning template to create an outline of your strategy for club officer and area and division director training. It will help you plan and organize session topics and logistics, as well as determine committees, staff and volunteers necessary for successful training events.

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Find Your Voice-PT99 Encontre sua Voz (pt-BR99)

Este folheto a cores é material de marketing essencial para os clubes. Ele explica como o Toastmasters ajuda a melhorar as competências de comunicação, os benefícios de ser associado e descreve a experiência de aprendizagem Pathways.

Find Your Voice-SP99 Encuentra tu voz (es-MX99)

Este folleto a color es material de marketing esencial para los clubes. Explica cómo Toastmasters ayuda a mejorar las habilidades de comunicación, los beneficios de ser socio y describe la experiencia de aprendizaje de Pathways.

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  13. 26-30 of 60 items