District Realignment FAQ

  1. What is District realignment?
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  2. Which regions will be affected?
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  3. What is the timeline for District realignment?
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  4. What process has Toastmasters International set forth for realignment?
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  5. What is the role of the District?
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  6. District Realignment Program
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  7. What is the District Realignment Program?
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  8. Why is realignment of Districts necessary?
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  9. Who will make the decision on the new District boundaries?
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  10. If my District has more than 100 clubs, will we be impacted?
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  11. My District is not part of the realignment effort and has more than 100 clubs today. What happens if we fall below 100 clubs?
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  12. My District is outside the scope of the District Realignment Program and has fewer than 100 clubs. How will we be impacted?
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  13. Who makes up the Steering Committee?
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  14. Who makes up the Joint Realignment Committee?
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  15. When does the District Realignment Program begin?
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  16. How do we expect a member’s day-to-day Toastmasters club experience to change?
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  17. How will speech contests within the District be affected?
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  18. What can our District do if we do not wish to participate in the District realignment?
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  19. How will we handle the end-of-year District-level recognition after reformation has been completed?
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  20. Will the District have an opportunity to provide feedback during this process?
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  21. Are there any resources available through the Toastmasters website?
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  22. What benefits does the Board of Directors expect?
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