Division and Area Council Meeting

Division Council Meetings

The Division Council manages Division activities; facilitates the achievement of club, Area, Division, and District goals; and helps with administrative activities, such as Division contests, meetings, and trainings. Members of this council include the Division Director, Assistant Division Director Program Quality, Assistant Division Director Club Growth, and Area Directors within the Division.

This council meets at least twice a year with meetings being conducted onsite, online, or in a hybrid format. The attendees for these meetings are notified by the Division Director at least four weeks in advance. Unless otherwise noted, the purpose of these meetings is to conduct the following business:

  • Area Success Plans and progress in the Distinguished Area Program are presented.
  • Club Success Plans and progress in the Distinguished Club Program are presented.
  • The club officer training attendance report is presented.
  • Plans for Division events, such as training and speech contests, are made.
  • Opportunity to provide additional training based on the needs of the clubs and District.

Area Council Meetings

The Area Council manages Area activities and supports each club in the Area in fulfilling the club mission. Members of the Area Council include the Area Director, Assistant Area Director Program Quality, Assistant Area Director Club Growth, Area Secretary, Club Presidents within the Area, Club Vice Presidents Education within the Area, and Club Vice Presidents Membership within the Area. This council meets at least twice a year with meetings conducted onsite, online, or in a hybrid format. The attendees for these meetings are notified by the Area Director at least four weeks in advance. Unless otherwise noted, the purpose of these meetings is to conduct the following business:

  • Club Success Plans and progress in the Distinguished Club Program are presented
  • Club officer training attendance reports are presented.
  • Plans for Area events, such as training and speech contests, are made.
  • In accordance with the District Council's decision to elect or appoint Area Directors as specified in the District Administrative Bylaws, Article VII, Section C, evaluate and assess Area Director candidates in order to either:
    • Provide one (1) or more appointment recommendations to the District Director no later than a date recommended by the District Director and approved by the District Executive Committee. That date will be announced in the District's annual call for nominations. The recommendations are subject to alignment changes by the District Council, or
    • Elect the following year's Area Director and provide the results of the election to the District Director no later than a date recommended by the District Director and approved by the District Executive Committee. That date will be announced in the District's annual call for nominations. The elections are subject to alignment changes by the District council.
  • Opportunity to provide additional training based on the needs of the clubs and District.