Leadership Roles

District Visits

At its February meeting the Board of Directors decided (meeting minutes) on new district leader titles that will take effect on July 1, 2015, when the incoming district leaders assume their new leadership roles. They will be the first generation of leaders to carry the new and contemporary district leader titles. 

For more information about these roles, refer to the District Leadership Handbook and the District Administrative Bylaws, Article VII: Officers in the Governing Documents.

Club Officer Resources

Board of Directors

Familiarize yourself with the

current Board

2019-2020 District Directors (PDF)

A quick-reference guide to the current District Directors.

2022 Proposals

Learn what is being


Member Management

Membership problems can be a learning opportunity for both club leaders and members.

Club Training Schedule

Clubs with officers attending training receive credit toward the training goal in the Distinguished Club Program.

Quick Links

Accredited Speaker List

See who has earned the designation each year since the Accredited Speaker Program began.

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July Online Magazine

In this issue, learn how to cultivate a culture of belonging with your team—whether at work or at Toastmasters. And if you’re a new leader, find tips for guiding your club this program year. 

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