General Finance

General Finance

Clubs, districts and individuals require certain documents to prove non-profit status, open bank accounts and file tax returns. Please read all instructions thoroughly before beginning any filing process.


Helpful Resources

501(c)(3) Determination Letter

The 501(c)(3) Determination Letter provided shows proof that Toastmasters International and its subordinate clubs are considered to be 501(c)(3) nonprofits per the United States Internal Revenue Code.

Tax Deductions for US Toastmasters (PDF)

If you're a Toastmaster in the U.S., find out if your dues and expenses are tax deductible.

FTB 199N Instructions

Instructions on how to file the FTB 199N for all California Clubs.

Liability Insurance

Toastmasters International provides general liability insurance for qualified club and district events and meeting sites.

Use of Club Funds

Be sure to stay informed of authorized as well as unauthorized uses of Toastmasters club funds.

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