Region Advisor Biography
Curtis Scroggins, DTM

Home Region: 4
Home District: 8
Supporting Districts: 8, 19, 30, 35, 54, 103
Toastmasters offices held and terms of service (international, region and District level):
- 2013-2014 Immediate Past District Governor
- 2012-2013 District Governor
- 2011-2012 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training
- 2010-2011 Lieutenant Governor Marketing
Toastmasters honors and recognition:
- 2011-2012 Excellence in Education and Training Award
- 2010-2011 Excellence in Marketing Award
What is your understanding of the Region Advisor role and how does your experience relate to the role?
The Region Advisor is the liaison between the Board of Directors and the Districts, and the face of Toastmasters International in the Region. The Region Advisor visits Districts, facilitates Top 3 training, and manages the monthly calls related to the Top 3 in the Region. The Region Advisor lives, embodies, and represents Toastmasters at all times and is always looking to improve the membership and talent in Toastmasters.
What is your experience with coaching individuals and/or teams?
I currently coach and mentor several individuals who contacted me to begin this process. As a result, I created my technique for coaching individuals to succeed. I have coached/mentored/led leadership teams at Church, work, school, CASA, and Toastmasters to success as individuals and teams. Groups I am a member of typically outperform their peers. The prison Toastmasters Clubs experience less than 5% recidivism.
Why are you interested in serving as Region Advisor?
Toastmasters needs individuals who understand the true value of helping others more than just checking the box or promoting oneself, but people who are dedicated to actual service to the individual. Serving as a Region Advisor would allow me to impact many members than are available at the District-level and stretch me in my training and leadership experience while further promoting the Toastmasters experience.