Region Advisor Biography
Lynda Starr, DTM

Home Region: 6
Home District: 83
Supporting Districts: 13, 31, 45, 53, 61, 65
Toastmasters offices held and terms of service (international, region and District level):
- 2023-2024 Region 9 Advisor
- 2020-2021 Immediate Past District Director
- 2019-2020 District Director
- 2018-2019 Program Quality Director
- 2017-2018 Club Growth Director
Toastmasters honors and recognition:
- 2018-2019 Excellence in Program Quality Award
What key factors are most important as a Region Advisor to help the District achieve success?
A Region Advisor’s role is to support District leaders in fulfilling the District Mission to build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. To do so, the Region Advisor must assess the type of assistance and support each leader needs and then provide it, as driven by the leaders. The Region Advisor is a guide and not an active member of the District team. Just as a physician tells a patient that to lower their blood pressure, they need to reduce salt intake, it is up to the patient to implement the changes. The Region Advisor can share expertise based on experience and Toastmasters resources and policies, but the District leaders must act to reach their goal. The Region Advisor conducts monthly peer calls across District roles and individual meetings with specific District leaders. The Region Advisor provides support and encouragement and focuses District leaders on goal achievement. The Region Advisor shares these tools during District Leader Training to set the foundation for the year and remains a vital link between Districts and World Headquarters.
What key strengths do you bring to the District leaders?
I have built skills as a District leader and Region Advisor, namely helping others to define goals and map strategies for achieving them, training others as leaders, and working with teams to build marketing strategies. In my professional life, I am a writer, team leader, and strategist for technology companies. I transfer these skills to the Toastmasters leadership experience and help others build written and oral communication skills, the ability to work well with others, and how to view a problem or scenario with an analytical eye.
As a District leader and Region Advisor, I listen to all points of view, knowing that it’s not about what’s best for me, the District Director, or District leaders; it’s what is best for the District. Additionally, I understand the power of training and helping members to develop the tools, skills, and confidence they need to reach their goals, what a Past District Director would call proactive empowerment. Another Past District Director uses the phrase “contagious inspiration” to connote the power of enthusiasm. As a leader and Region Advisor, I practice exuding confidence, excitement, and strength to inspire my District leaders.
Why are you interested in serving again as a Region Advisor?
My motivation to continue as a Region Advisor is rooted in a message shared at the District Leaders Training: we join for ourselves and stay for others. This principle has resonated with me throughout my Toastmasters journey, including my role as a Region Advisor. Remaining in this role, I can pay forward the support and knowledge I've gained to the incoming class of Region Advisors in 2024-2025 and the Districts I serve.
As a continuing Region Advisor, I will remain a valuable resource for these new leaders and Districts. I have a strong grasp of District success strategies, communications, marketing, and club growth plans. My experience as a trainer and guide, combined with my empathetic and attentive communication skills, positions me as a guiding light for District leaders. I've forged connections with these leaders, enjoyed collaborating with them, and taken pride in witnessing them benefit from my insights.
Understanding their challenges based on my extensive club and District-level experience and ongoing dialogues, I am eager to help District leaders and fellow Region Advisors in their pursuit of the Toastmasters' Mission. My commitment to this journey remains unwavering; there's more I can give, and I'm enthusiastic about continuing as a Region Advisor.