Region Advisor Biography
Rose Kirland, DTM

Home Region: 2
Home District: 49
Supporting Districts: 2, 7, 15, 39, 57, 96
Toastmasters offices held and terms of service (international, region and District level):
- 2023-2024 Region 1 Advisor
- 2018-2019 Immediate Past District Director
- 2017-2018 District Director
- 2016-2017 Program Quality Director
Toastmasters honors and recognition:
- 2016-2017 Excellence in Program Quality Award
What key factors are most important as a Region Advisor to help the District achieve success?
A key factor in facilitating district success is mentoring to enhance leadership effectiveness, along with an emphasis on upholding Toastmasters' core values. Another critical element is active listening to discern leaders' needs and provide tailored guidance. Importantly, encouragement during challenges and celebration of victories fosters a positive atmosphere. A key component bringing it all together is being a collaborative communicator within and between districts, encouraging the exchange of best practices, ideas, and resources.
What key strengths do you bring to the District leaders?
My light-heartedness nature. I know everything is the 'small stuff’; however, I don't sweat the small stuff giving way to leaders that it's okay to try again. I'm innately enthusiastic, high-energy momentum, be a help to fellow humans, ingrained family values and forgiving. I view challenges as opportunities. This attitude helps to keep forefront - my strength of resilience. Don't give up! I also share with the leaders that I am committed in my Region Advisor role. I do this by demonstrating mutual respect, appreciative of the earned trust, commitment, to deliver on what I say, being a resource for resources, and being a good listener. Sometimes that's all one needs, is someone to listen to them.
Why are you interested in serving again as a Region Advisor?
Since June (transition period) through September 2023; 4 months, I see a paradigm shift. I experienced in peer calls/in-person site visits some assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodology not in the best interest for members or in pursuit of the District Mission. The shift: Change takes patience & time. This is one reason I ask to serve again. We are making progress, learning from each other; at the tip of the iceberg, rebuilding strong foundations which we need time to nurture. WE are building relationships, based on TRUST. Trust is big for anyone to consider other ways of thinking. However, the foundation laid needs nurturing which I feel will be beneficial to our leaders/Districts; thus, I ask to serve again. CONSISTENCY is essential, especially in adult learning. Continuing my service will reinforce the developed relationships, leader trainings, consultation, advice for team mindset, attitudes, communication, and diversity acceptance in their leadership for their personal gratification, success and morale. Personally, I am grateful for this journey. It is rewarding and I learn something new not only about myself, also of those I serve. We are on the right path, making progress.