Region Advisor Biography
Christine Brady, DTM

Home Region: 2
Home District: Founders
Supporting Districts: Founders, 1, 12, 52, 100
Toastmasters offices held and terms of service (international, region and District level):
- 2023-2024 Region 2 Advisor
- 2021-2022 Immediate Past District Director
- 2020-2021 District Director
- 2019-2020 Program Quality Director
- 2018-2019 Club Growth Director
What key factors are most important as a Region Advisor to help the District achieve success?
The Region Advisor provides support to the District leaders in the day-to-day operations of the District. Being able to point folks in the right direction (governing documents), help Districts with success planning, assist with communication within the trio and the region, guide the District Director through meeting protocols, and most importantly, help all District leaders stay focused on the District Mission. Peer call facilitation is vitally important, giving District leaders just in time training as well as a place to share their struggles and successes. Also, the Region Advisor needs to be deadline driven, reminding the District leaders of crucial due dates with an encouraging (not nagging) tone.
What key strengths do you bring to the District leaders?
I enjoy mentoring leaders. One of the things that is most enjoyable is helping leaders get to the solution. Many times, developing leaders KNOW what they need to do, they just need the confidence to put their plan into action. I enjoy facilitating training, seeing the District leaders work together for the good of their Districts. I’m also really good a keeping people calm – there are moments that District leadership is nerve wracking, and I bring the calm back into leadership.
Why are you interested in serving again as a Region Advisor?
This has been an amazing experience so far! I like being in the coaching/mentoring seat and the Region Advisor role feels like a “sweet spot” for me. Our District leaders are excited to grow their Districts. It’s also been an interesting journey for me to learn to not suggest solutions but to ask questions and give District leaders the support and guidance to draw their own best conclusions. I’ve seen firsthand that some of our leaders struggle to leave their ego out of the equation in order to focus on the District Mission and I want to help those leaders grow in their leadership. When I was a District leader, I appreciated have Region Advisors for two consecutive terms. The trust had been built in our relationship and it was great to keep going.