Use this flier to promote your club to prospective members who are seeking to sharpen their leadership and presentation skills.
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Use this flier to generate interest in companies to charter a toastmasters club. Available in 8.5 x 11, and A4 formats.
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This one-page document identifies the benefits to companies of sponsoring Toastmasters clubs. Include this helpful resource in your corporate club prospecting kit, along with the Develop Your Leaders from Within and All About Toastmasters brochures, Corporate Marketing letter, and the Benefits of Toastmasters and Transform Your Talent fliers.
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This flier explains how Toastmasters can help improve one’s public speaking and communication skills. Add your club’s contact information to the bottom and this marketing material is ready to be shared with friends, family, and members of your community!
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To help you promote the Pathways learning experience to prospective members and clubs, make sure you use the new Pathways flier.
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