Solicitud de socios fundadores e Información de pago (SPATO-3)

Formulario tres de siete requerido para constituir un club Toastmasters. Llena al menos 20 formularios de posibles socios y envíalo a la Sede.

Solicitud para Organizar un Club de Toastmasters (SPATO-1)

Formulario uno de siete requerido para constituir un club Toastmasters. Llena este formulario para ser un club "Provisorio" y envíalo a la Sede.

Speaker Agreement An agreement template explaining all the terms and conditions between a district and a commissioned speaker. Download file
Speaker Introduction Form Speaker Introduction Form

Fill it out and provide it to your evaluator before the meeting starts.

View form
SpeakersBureau Speakers Bureau Brochure Complete information on establishing and operating a Speakers Bureau.
View brochure