131-resource-thumb Become a Better Leader Flier

Use this flier to promote your club to prospective members who are seeking to sharpen their leadership and presentation skills.

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Beginning Your Speech Beginning Your Speech Part of The Better Speaker Series. Suggestions for starting off your speech right. Includes an outline and a PowerPoint presentation.
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Benefícios da Afiliação ao Toastmasters (pt-BR354INDV)

Este documento de uma página descreve os inúmeros benefícios desfrutados pelos associados do Toastmasters. Imprima este recurso e use-o para ajudar a recrutar amigos, familiares e membros de sua comunidade para ingressar em seu clube. Disponível em tamanho A4.

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Use these billboards to build brand awareness and engage prospective members.

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Use these billboards to inspire companies to start a Toastmasters club.

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