Club-Coach-Vereinbarung (de-DE930AA)

Füllen Sie dieses Formular aus, um einen Club-Coach oder zwei Club-Coaches zu ernennen, und reichen Sie es beim Hauptsitz von Toastmasters International in den USA ein.

Letzte Aktualisierung dieser Version: 4/2022.

Cluberfolgsplan (de-DE1111A)

Ein Formular, das Clubs bei der Erstellung eines Plans helfen soll, um im kommenden Jahr den Distinguished Club-Status zu erreichen.

Aktualisierte Version 06/2022

Communicate Change-Evaluation Resource

This evaluation resource is for the “Communicate Change” project. Use it in your club to evaluate a member completing this project. You can download and complete the resource on your device, or print and complete it by hand. How you choose to complete the evaluation depends on your preference and the preference of the member you are evaluating.

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comm award PR Communication Achievement Award News Release Template

Garner interest and awareness using this news release template - For a club to promote a non-Toastmasters member or organization for excellence in communication or leadership.

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How to Build a Toastmasters Club Portuguese 121 Como Construir Um Clube Toastmasters (PT121)

Inclui informações sobre como oficializar clubes comunitários e corporativos.
