Corporate Clubs Soft Skills flier

This one-page document identifies the benefits to companies of sponsoring Toastmasters clubs. Include this helpful resource in your corporate club prospecting kit, along with the Develop Your Leaders from Within and All About Toastmasters brochures, Corporate Marketing letter, and the Benefits of Toastmasters and Transform Your Talent fliers.

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132-Find Your Voice Flier Find Your Voice Flier

This flier explains how Toastmasters can help improve one’s public speaking and communication skills. Add your club’s contact information to the bottom and this marketing material is ready to be shared with friends, family, and members of your community!

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International President World Tour Facebook Frame

This Facebook frame is the perfect way to show off your participation in the International President World Tour! Open the document and follow the instructions to add the digital ribbon to your Facebook picture.

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IRS group exemption IRS Group Exemption Letter

The IRS letter proving our not for profit status required  for newly chartered clubs to receive an EIN. An EIN number is needed to open a club bank/treasury account.

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616 Keeping an open mind Keeping an Open Mind

This training activity helps participants identify the value of multiple perspectives and demonstrates that open-mindedness to new perspectives encourages growth.

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