615C Communication and Conflict This training activity provides participants with techniques to respond to and resolve conflicts. It includes two videos which set up a scenario of conflict for participants to practice resolving.
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How to Build a Toastmasters Club Portuguese 121 Como Construir Um Clube Toastmasters (PT121)

Inclui informações sobre como oficializar clubes comunitários e corporativos.

How to Build a Toastmasters Club Spanish 121 Como crear un Club de Toastmasters (SP121)

Incluye información para la constitución de clubes comunitarios y corporativos.

Concluding Your Speech (Digital) Concluding Your Speech Part of The Better Speaker Series. Tips for ending your speech with power. Includes an outline and a PowerPoint presentation.
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Confidence. The voice of leadership (digital) Confidence. The Voice of Leadership. This full-color promotional brochure targets potential members who work in a corporate environment, stressing the personal and career benefits of participation in Toastmasters.
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