Manual scurt de utilizare a proiectelor Pathways în alte limbi (RO922)

Acest manual scurt te va ajuta să folosești proiectele Pathways în limba română. Este recomandat membrilor care dețin anumite cunoștințe de limba engleză sau celor care sunt deja familiari cu platforma Base Camp.

Master Your Meetings

This handbook provides the information you need to conduct dynamic and effective club meetings.

This version updated 4/2021

Download manual
Member Interest Survey

These forms can be used to help plan club programs around needs and interests as well as help members communicate their objectives and goals.

View form
Member Recognition Certificate

Club officers can award members in their club this certificate when the member has helped the club reach Distinguished status or higher for the program year.

This version updated 5/2022

View certificate
Neumitglieder-Profil (DE1162F)

Lassen Sie jedes neue Mitglied dieses Interviewformular ausfüllen, um dessen Ziele zu erkennen und wie sie erreicht werden können.

Aktualisierte Version 11/2019
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  41. 106-110 of 198 items