Plano de Sucesso do Clube (pt-BR1111A)
Um formulário para ajudar os clubes a elaborar um plano para se tornar um Clube Distinguido no próximo ano Toastmasters.
Esta versão foi atualizada em 06/2022
Product Order Form
Fill out this form and submit it to World Headquarters for processing to order products.
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Profil du Nouveau Membre (FR1162F)
Demander que chaque membre remplisse un formulaire d'interview afin de déterminer ses buts et comment les atteindre.
Cette version mise à jour le 11/2019Afficher
Prospective Member Flier
Use this flier to help promote your club meetings. Available in 8.5 x 11, black and white and A4 formats.
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Prospective Member Follow-Up Email
Use this email template to help your club reply to prospective members. Customize the email with information about your club and then reply within 48 hours.
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