Corporate Club flier

Use this flier to generate interest in companies to charter a toastmasters club. Available in 8.5 x 11, and A4 formats.

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Digital Ribbon Zoom Background

Available in Best Speaker, Best Table Topics®, and Best Evaluator, this JPEG file of a digital ribbon background can be sent to the award recipient over the Zoom chat panel. It is available in all 11 languages.

Arabic - العَرَبِيَّة
French - Français 
German - Deutsch
Japanese - 日本語
Korean - 한국어
Portuguese - Português
Simplified Chinese -  简体中文
Spanish - Español
Tamil - தமிழ்
Traditional Chinese -  繁體中文

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Find Your Voice-PT99 Encontre sua Voz (pt-BR99)

Este folheto a cores é material de marketing essencial para os clubes. Ele explica como o Toastmasters ajuda a melhorar as competências de comunicação, os benefícios de ser associado e descreve a experiência de aprendizagem Pathways.

Find Your Voice-SP99 Encuentra tu voz (es-MX99)

Este folleto a color es material de marketing esencial para los clubes. Explica cómo Toastmasters ayuda a mejorar las habilidades de comunicación, los beneficios de ser socio y describe la experiencia de aprendizaje de Pathways.

Find Your Voice

This full-color brochure is an essential marketing material for clubs. It explains how Toastmasters helps improve communication skills, the benefits of being a member, and outlines the Pathways learning experience.

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