Governing Documents

Includes the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of Toastmasters International, District Administrative Bylaws, Club Constitution for Clubs of Toastmasters International and Policy and Protocol.

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Grammarian Script and Log Grammarian Script and Log

Clearly explain the role and track Word of the Day usage.

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Gründungszahlungen (DEATO-2)

Formular 2 von erforderlichen 7, um einen Toastmasters-Club zu gründen. Füllen Sie dieses Formular mit den Zahlungsinformationen zur Gründung aus und senden Sie es an den Hauptsitz von Toastmasters International in den USA.

Guest Email Follow Up

Use this email template to follow up with guests after they attend your club meeting.

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Guida all'uso dei progetti Pathways in altre lingue (Articolo IT921)

Questa guida ti spiega come navigare Base Camp per trovare i progetti Pathways in italiano. E' consigliata ai soci con limitata conoscenza dell'inglese o che non hanno familiarità con Base Camp.
