Charter Membership and Club Officer Information

This Excel spreadsheet can be submitted to World Headquarters in place of Form 3 Charter Membership Application and Form 4 Charter Club Officer Information. Some columns have options built into the dropdowns for club use. Clubs are still required to have a signed charter application on file.

This version updated 09/2023

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Club Coach Agreement

Fill out this form to appoint one or two club coaches and submit it to World Headquarters.

This version updated 4/2022

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Club Constitution and Standard Bylaws for Gavel Clubs

Review and submit this information as part of a Gavel Club certification request.

This version updated 06/2023

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Club Constitution for Clubs of Toastmasters International

Standard documents governing operations of Toastmasters clubs, with information on membership, dues, elections, etc.

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Club Constitution for Clubs of Toastmasters International (DEATO-6A)

Formular 6 von erforderlichen 7, um einen Toastmasters-Club zu gründen.

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