Timer Zoom Backgrounds
These backgrounds feature the Toastmasters International logo on green, yellow, and red. When you are the Timer for an online club meeting, switch between these backgrounds to indicate how much time the speaker has remaining! The last file is in English and the others are in the languages noted.
Arabic - العَرَبِيَّة French - Français German - Deutsch Japanese - 日本語 Korean - 한국어 Portuguese - Português Simplified Chinese - 简体中文 Spanish - Español Tamil - தமிழ் Traditional Chinese - 繁體中文 View file
Toastmaster Script and Log
Use this script and log in your club meeting when you are Toastmaster of the Day.
View form
Training Club Leaders
Guide for planning and presenting club officer training.
Download manual
Transforma tu talento (es-MX8001TS)
Utiliza este folleto para promocionar Pathways entre posibles clubes corporativos.