Pathways Overview Credit for Speechcraft

Overview of the credit Speechcrafters are eligible to receive in Pathways once they join a Toastmasters club. Credit is based on the number of speeches completed.

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Pathways Verificação de Conclusão do Nível (PT8950) Preencha este formulário para confirmar que você concluiu um nível em seu trajeto Pathways. Ver
DE8951 - Mentor Program Completion Form Pathways-Mentorenprogramm-Abschlussformular (DE8951)

Füllen Sie dieses Formular aus, um die Anerkennung für den Abschluss des Pathways-Mentoring-Programms zu erhalten.

Perfil de Novo Associado (PT1162F)

Peça a cada novo associado que preencha um formulário tipo entrevista para determinar seus objetivos e como pretende alcançá-los.

Esta versão foi atualizada em 11/2019
Persuasive Speaking-Evaluation Resource

This evaluation resource is for the “Persuasive Speaking” project. Use it in your club to evaluate a member completing this project. You can download and complete the resource on your device, or print and complete it by hand. How you choose to complete the evaluation depends on your preference and the preference of the member you are evaluating.

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