Transform your talent thumbnail Transform Your Talent flier

Use this to promote Pathways to potential corporate clubs.

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Transform Your Talent flier - Spanish Transforma tu talento (es-MX8001TS)

Utiliza este folleto para promocionar Pathways entre posibles clubes corporativos.

1313G Treasurer This facilitator guide must be used as the core training of every district’s training presentations for club officers. Download manual
1313G PPT Treasurer Slideshow This Powerpoint must be used as the core training of every district’s training presentations for club officers.
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Find Your Voice-FR99 Trouvez votre voix (fr-FR99)

Cette brochure polychrome est un outil de marketing essentiel pour les clubs. Elle explique comment Toastmasters aide à améliorer les aptitudes de communication, quels sont les avantages d'être membre et offre un aperçu de l'expérience d'apprentissage sous Pathways.

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