An Introduction to Community Clubs Slide Presentation

Presentation template for community clubs that discusses the benefits and process of starting a club.

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An Introduction to Corporate Clubs Slide Presentation

Presentation template for corporate clubs that discusses the benefits and process of starting a club.

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Open House PPT Thumbnail An Introduction to Toastmasters (Open House) Slide Presentation

Presentation template for Toastmasters clubs hosting an open house event.

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Anatomy of a Toastmasters Meeting

This document outlines the meeting roles used during a Toastmasters meeting. Share this one-page document with guests and new members to help them understand how a Toastmasters meeting works!

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Anhang der Standard-Cluboptionen (de-DEATO-6B)

Formular 7 von erforderlichen 7, um einen Toastmasters-Club zu gründen.
