Program Quality Director 30-Day Action Plan Template

Use the Program Quality Director 30-Day Action Plan template to create an outline of your strategy for your first month as a district leader. It will help you plan and organize tasks, deadlines, and other resources necessary to your success

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Programa DCP (Clube Distinguido) (pt-BR1111)

Manual que explica o Programa DCP (Clube Distinguido), fornece diretrizes para o sucesso do clube e "como fazer" para se tornar um Clube Distinguido.

Esta versão foi atualizada em 01/2023

An updated translated version of this resource will be available soon.

Programm zur Auszeichnung von Clubs (de-DE1111)

Ein Handbuch, das das „Programm zur Auszeichnung von Clubs“ beschreibt. Es enthält Hinweise für den Cluberfolg und Wege, um ein Ausgezeichneter Club zu werden.

Aktualisierte Version 1/2023

An updated translated version of this resource will be available soon.

367-Promotional Poster Promotional Poster

This poster features a contemporary design and is customizable to help advertise your club. Once you choose from the two available sizes, you can open the poster and use the dropdown menu to change the main image.

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Prospective Member Conversion Guide

Use this guide to help you connect with prospects and grow your club.

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