Leading the Club to Success This training teaches club officers motivation, delegation, coaching and SMART goal setting, as well as guiding them through the creation of the Club Success Plan.
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Meeting Roles and Responsibilities (Digital) Meeting Roles and Responsibilities Part of The Successful Club Series. Does your club involve everyone at every meeting? Includes an outline and a PowerPoint presentation.
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Momentos de Verdade (PT290)

Integrado no “The Successful Club Series”, os Momentos de Verdade descrevem como criar uma primeira impressão positiva do seu clube, e reconhecer e lidar com situações críticas para o sucesso do clube.

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Moments de vérité (FR290)

« Moments de vérité » est une présentation dans The Successful Club Series qui expose comment créer une impression positive du club et qui reconnaît et fait face aux situations critiques au succès du club.

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Moments of Truth Moments of Truth (290)

Part of The Successful Club Series, Moments of Truth outlines how to create a positive first impression of your club, and recognize and deal with situations critical to club success in English.


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  14. 36-40 of 61 items