VPPR Online Meeting Email Template

Use this email template to notify your local media that your club is currently holding online meetings and local residents are invited to visit and join.

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Where Will Pathways Take You flier Where Will Pathways Take You flier

Share this with new members or guests.

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Write a Compelling Blog-Evaluation Resource

This evaluation resource is for the “Write a Compelling Blog” project. Use it in your club to evaluate a member completing this project. You can download and complete the resource on your device, or print and complete it by hand. How you choose to complete the evaluation depends on your preference and the preference of the member you are evaluating.

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Confidence. The voice of leadership (digital) Your Path to Leadership

This full-color brochure is an essential marketing material for clubs. It explains how Toastmasters helps improve leadership skills, the benefits of being a member, and outlines the Pathways learning experience.

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Zoom Registration Page Banners and Logo

Use this logo and banner to brand your Zoom registration page. With three banner choices, you can choose the one that best fits your club’s needs!

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