Charter Membership and Club Officer Information

This Excel spreadsheet can be submitted to World Headquarters in place of Form 3 Charter Membership Application and Form 4 Charter Club Officer Information. Some columns have options built into the dropdowns for club use. Clubs are still required to have a signed charter application on file.

This version updated 09/2023

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Club Dissolution Form-450 Club Dissolution Form

This form is used by members to voluntarily dissolve a club charter.

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Corporate Club flier

Use this flier to generate interest in companies to charter a toastmasters club. Available in 8.5 x 11, and A4 formats.

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Form 1 Application to Organize a Toastmasters Club

Form one of seven required to charter a Toastmasters club. Fill out this form to become a "Prospective" club and submit it to World Headquarters.

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Form 2 Charter Payments

Form two of seven required to charter a Toastmasters club. Fill out this form with the chartering payment information and submit it to World Headquarters.

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