Toastmasters Fast Track
Quick. Easy. Convenient.
Are you looking for an introductory public speaking course? Do you need immediate help to prepare for an upcoming speech or presentation? Look no further than the Toastmasters Public Speaking Fast Track! Click here to get started on your journey to a brighter future.
Want to learn more about Fast Track? Are you already a Toastmasters member and want to learn more about how it affects you and your club? Read the frequently asked questions below.
» Fast Track FAQBack to Top
1. What is Fast Track?
Fast Track is a fun and interactive way to learn skills from Toastmasters International. Users can start with an optional self-assessment, watch three instructional videos, record themselves giving a speech, and then re-take the assessment to track their growth. The first course focuses on learning public speaking skills and we hope to expand to cover other subjects.
2. How much does Fast Track cost?
Fast Track costs 4.99 USD per course.
3. Why was Fast Track created?
Everyone learns differently, and Fast Track is aimed at people who need to learn skills quickly. If someone has a big presentation at work or a wedding speech coming up, Fast Track is designed to help them!
4. How can I purchase Fast Track?
To make your purchase, visit Next, click on the course you are interested in, scroll down, and click “Add to Cart.” Follow the steps to create an account and complete your purchase.
5. How can I access Fast Track?
Once you’ve purchased Fast Track, you can access the course on your computer, phone, tablet, or TV. Complete the course at your own pace.
6. Can I go back and watch the videos again after completing Fast Track?
Yes. If you purchase the course, you are free to go back and watch the educational videos at any time.
7. What is the refund policy for Fast Track?
We do not offer refunds for any Fast Track purchases.
8. Are any of the videos in Fast Track hosted on YouTube?
No. All videos for Fast Track are hosted directly on the Toastmasters On Demand website.
9. Are Fast Track materials translated?
No. Currently, Fast Track is only available in English.
10. Is Fast Track available in accessible materials?
Currently, Fast Track is not available in accessible materials.
» Member FAQBack to Top
1. How will this affect my club?
The goal of Fast Track is to bring new members to your club. While your club experience won’t change, we hope that people who complete the course will seek out a club to gain your valuable evaluation feedback.
2. Is Fast Track free with my membership?
No. Fast Track costs 4.99 USD for both members and non-members.
3. Is there an age requirement for Fast Track?
Unlike Toastmasters clubs, which require you to be age 18 or older, there is no age requirement for Fast Track.
4. I am already a Toastmasters member. Is Fast Track right for me?
If you have a big speech or presentation to prepare for and cannot make it to your club or get on the agenda to practice, you can use Fast Track to quickly refresh your skills.
5. Will I receive credit in Pathways for completing Fast Track?
No, you will not receive credit in Pathways for completing any Fast Track courses.
6. How are Fast Track and Pathways different?
With Pathways, everything is based around your club. While you may learn and prepare outside of your club, projects culminate with you giving a speech during a club meeting. Fast Track is meant to be completed by yourself at home. Fast Track serves as an introductory course and is meant to attract new members to attend, and hopefully join, a club.
7. How can I use Fast Track to help me grow my club?
Share it with friends, family, and colleagues who may not be ready to commit to becoming a member. Once they experience the benefits of the program, they will be motivated to attend a meeting and join your club!
8. What if a prospective member contacts my club with questions about Fast Track?
Use these FAQs to help answer their question and talk to them about how your club can help them continue their journey after they complete Fast Track. If you can’t find the answer they are looking for, contact (or have them contact)