Podcast Archive

Toastmasters Podcast #221: Leveraging Emerging Research and Insights from Future-Self Science – Ryan Levesque

January 15, 2023

Toastmasters Podcast co-host Ryan Levesque, DTM, speaks about his January 2023 Toastmaster magazine article, “Meet Your Future Self—Today”. In the article and this podcast episode, Levesque shares his insights from the emerging field of future-self science and offers practical suggestions for applying the concept.

Toastmasters Podcast #220: Introducing Dr. Kevin C. Snyder, Toastmasters' Newest Accredited Speaker

January 01, 2023

Kevin Snyder, DTM, earned the prestigious Accredited Speaker designation at the 2022 Toastmasters International Convention, becoming one of only 90 individuals to receive the accreditation since the program began in 1981. Outside of speaking and writing, Snyder’s personal “claim to fame” is that he lived his childhood dream of meeting Bob Barker and winning big on the television game show The Price is Right. Hear about that in his interview along with a taste of his incredible journey. Learn more about him in his Accredited Speaker profile.

Toastmasters Podcast #219: From Quiet Engineer to Passionate Podcast Host – Cristóbal Colón

December 15, 2022

Cristóbal Colón shares his incredible journey of taking his passion for Toastmasters and podcasting and transforming himself from a quiet engineer to podcast host. He also shares how living through Puerto Rico's Hurricane Maria factored into his decision to finally start his podcast and enlightens listeners on how podcasting has improved his speaking skills and more. You can also read about his experience in the Toastmaster magazine.

Toastmasters Podcast #218: Using Metaphors to Power Up Your Presentations – Oscar Santolalla, DTM

December 01, 2022

When used effectively, metaphors are magic spells of communication; visual eye candy that cements the connection between you and your audience while doubling as powerful tools of persuasion. In this episode, speaker and author Oscar Santolalla, DTM, enlightens listeners on how and why we should use metaphors in our presentations.

Toastmasters Podcast #217: Proper Name Pronunciation Makes a World of Difference – Fiona Price, Ph.D.

November 15, 2022

Pronouncing names properly has always been worth paying attention to, but with ongoing globalization, it has become more important than ever. In this episode, Fiona Swee-Lin Price, Ph.D., a cross-cultural communication specialist, award-winning keynote speaker, and name expert shares her tips for name pronunciation, especially with names derived from languages we do not speak.

Toastmasters Podcast #216: Cyril Junior Dim – 2022 World Champion of Public Speaking

November 01, 2022

In this episode, meet 2022 World Champion of Public Speaking Cyril Junior Dim, and learn about the journey that led him from Zimbabwe to Poland, to Toastmasters, and then to the world stage. Also, hear about his winning speech, "Ndini," and discover some of the unique, non-traditional ways he rehearsed, obtained feedback, and more. You can read about Dim and the other two winners in this Toastmaster magazine article.

Toastmasters Podcast #215: Meet "The Irish Oracle" – Ted Corcoran, Past International President

October 15, 2022

Ted Corcoran, DTM, has left an indelible impact on the history of Toastmasters. Not only did he serve as an International President, but he helped originate what became known as the Distinguished Club Program and introduced a lively "underground" tradition to the annual International Convention that is now a part of the official agenda—the Sing-Along. At 79-years-old, Corcoran continues to assist Districts and members around the world.

Toastmasters Podcast #214: The Competition, a Toastmasters-Inspired Satirical Novel – Katherine Collette

October 01, 2022

After her first Toastmasters meeting, Katherine Collette realized a public speaking club offered the perfect backdrop for a novel. Years later, her second novel, The Competition, is a satirical work featuring a fictional and hyperbolic Toastmasters-like organization called SpeechMakers. Set at the organization's annual national convention, Collette describes the novel as "a love letter to Toastmasters." In this podcast episode, Collette shares her inspiration, her experience as a Toastmaster, and the similarities and differences between Toastmasters and SpeechMakers. To learn more about the book and author, read the article in the August 2022 Toastmaster magazine.

Toastmasters Podcast #213: Techniques for Supercharging Your Listening Skills – Joel Schwartzberg

September 15, 2022

When we think of effective communicators, what often comes to mind is how well their message is delivered with style, clarity, passion, and inspiration—essentially what comes out of their mouths. But they don’t always absorb and process what comes through their ears. In this episode, Joel Schwartzberg enlightens us with valuable tips and great stories on how leaders can become more effective listeners.

Toastmasters Podcast #212: Heart-Led Leadership – 2022-2023 International President Matt Kinsey, DTM

September 01, 2022

Meet Matt Kinsey, DTM, the 2022-2023 Toastmasters International President! Get to know Kinsey and learn about his Toastmasters and leadership journeys. He vulnerably shares why he considers his 2014 election loss for International Director one of the most important things that ever happened to him, and how he ultimately came to embrace a heart-led leadership style.

Podcast Archives