Video Library

Toastmasters International Public Service Announcement – 30 seconds

This 30 second video is a great tool to raise awareness of Toastmasters International and the benefits of becoming a Toastmaster. Share this video with prospective members, on social media, or with local news outlets. To download this video, visit

Interview Success: Practice and Make a Lasting Impression

Discover how you can stand out and differentiate yourself in a fiercely competitive environment. Learn how you can make an outstanding first impression in an interview and distinguish between good and bad interview habits. Want to know how you can prepare and practice for group interviews and one-on-one interviews—our panel of experts has some tips! You will also find out how to interview through virtual platforms, get online interviewing ideas and leave an outstanding final impression in an interview.

Communicating Across Cultures: Know Your Audience

Discover how a person’s cultural background affects how they express humor, gratitude, and professionalism. Get listening and critiquing tips that will help you be a more culturally sensitive and savvy communicator. Find out if there is such a thing as “universally friendly” feedback, and more!

Toastmasters International Public Service Announcement

This video is a great tool to raise awareness of Toastmasters International and the benefits of becoming a Toastmaster. Share this video with prospective members, on social media, or with local news outlets. To download this video, visit

Interview Success: Know Yourself

Get motivational tips to find and maintain your confidence, even in a job market with so much uncertainty. Hear our panel of experts discuss how your emotional intelligence relates to interview skills and interviewing—and discover how to hone it. Get insight into how your resume fits into your interview preparation. Find out what interview topics are off-limits, and more!

Communicating Across Cultures: Cultural Awareness in Business

Find out how culture affects the business environment in subtle and surprising ways. Learn some cultural dos and don'ts, as well as how to develop increased awareness when traveling or working with customers and employees from diverse cultures. Discover how a mindset of curiosity and humility goes a long way in overcoming miscommunication.

Communicating Across Cultures: Humor and Body Language

Have fun discovering cultural differences in humor and non-verbal communication. Learn if it is acceptable to start a speech with a joke when addressing non-American audiences. Can you be “culturally neutral" in body language? Get insight into all this and more!

Interview Success Series: Network and Boost Your Confidence

Discover what networking in today’s world means and get tips on how you can boost your confidence to successfully network online and in-person. Find out what you can do with your body language to appear more confident. Hear our panel of experts advise how you can effectively study an organization’s website and refine your online footprint. Where does coronavirus come into your interview questions? Get insight into all this and more!

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