The story of the Toastmasters Pathways education program officially began in 2010, when the Board of Directors called for the current program to be revitalized. Since then, many more chapters have been added to the story.
Understanding the history of the program’s development helps put the project into perspective.
Early in the process a Board committee analyzed the skills, competencies and attributes required to succeed in all different roles in Toastmasters, including club-meeting roles and leadership roles at all levels.
The committee studied where members learned these skills, competencies and attributes—was it in Toastmasters or outside Toastmasters? This detailed analysis was a critical step in the revitalization process: It determined the gaps in the Toastmasters learning experience.
The Pathways development team also gathered data through a competitive analysis and member surveys. They learned what members wanted to see in an education program:
- Real-world skills they could apply to their personal and professional lives
- A better use of technology in the educational journey
- Online access to educational projects
- A flexible learning experience to help them meet their individual goals
The content that has resulted from this early and extensive work reflects a dynamic, skill-loaded program that will benefit members in many ways.
The story continues.