Starting July 1, several district reformations will take effect around the world. When a Toastmasters district becomes too large—typically, more than 240 clubs—it can split into more than one district, provided the Board of Directors approves.
In the United States, District 6 will separate into districts 6 and 106: The former will encompass south Minnesota, the latter north Minnesota and south Ontario in Canada. In Mexico, District 34 will reform into districts 34, covering the southern part of the country, and 113, encompassing the northern part. District 72 will break into districts 72 in south New Zealand and 112 in north New Zealand.
The most dramatic realignment is taking place in Europe, where two districts are reforming into six. Districts 59 and 95 will become districts 59 (Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands), 95 (Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden), 107 (Andorra, Spain, Portugal), 108 (Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland), 109 (Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Liechtenstein, Republic of Macedonia, San Marino, Switzerland, Vatican City) and 110 (Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine).