WordPress Website Template –
New templates are now available to help your club create a beautiful website. A website is a great tool for networking and recruitment of new members, so find a template that works for your club and let your personality shine.
The Club Marketing Guide Is Here! –
Have you felt overwhelmed by the number of marketing tools in the Resource Library and you’re not sure where to begin or how to use these important resources? The Club Marketing Guide is here to help—use it to strengthen your club marketing efforts; it was designed to be an easy place to find/understand all the tools you need.
Peruse Updated Fliers –
Both “Find Your Voice” and “Uncover Your Leadership Potential” fliers have been updated in content and design. Use these great redesigned tools for club promotion.
New Way to Promote Toastmasters –
Help spread the word about Toastmasters through our new Public Service Announcement (PSA). The PSA can be shared with your local TV and radio stations to inform, promote, and publicize the Toastmasters clubs in your area. The PSA is available for download in our Media Center. Email pr@toastmasters.org with any questions.
Speechcraft® Promotional Video –
The Toastmasters Speechcraft program is an excellent membership-building tool, and now you can tell prospective Speechcrafters and members with this new video that quickly explains the Speechcraft digital experience. The training workshop, aimed at nonmembers as well as new club members, teaches the basics of the Toastmasters experience.
The video highlights how Speechcraft practice can benefit people in professional and social scenarios. Speechcraft was modernized this year and now includes digital projects, forms, and resources. Participants’ projects feature such interactive tools as videos, quizzes, and self-assessments.
Speechcraft can be presented in four, six, or eight sessions, typically for one to two hours each, and each session features a structured agenda, including Table Topics®, speeches, evaluations, educational presentations, and other meeting elements.
Promote the Speechcraft program and share the video today!