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July 2024
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Highlights From the Pathways Project

  • Purpose: To learn or review basic research methods and present a well-organized, well-researched speech (5-7 minutes) on any topic.
  • Choosing a topic: Be sure it’s narrow enough to fit the speech time. If you are knowledgeable about the subject, present an aspect that interests you most.
  • Start with what you know: List these areas; determine what to research by generating questions you want to be answered.
  • Find reliable sources: They should be authorities on the subject and recognized by others in their field. Give proper credit for both statements and images.
  • Use structure appropriate to the subject: A scientific paper might need a chronological structure. A speech about a geographic area could use a spatial approach, taking each region one by one. You might use the problem/solution format when discussing a local social issue.




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